Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 6

Day 6!

Whatever tickles my fancy.....?

Hmmmm. I have no idea what i should write about today.  so it will just be random i guess!

Hahahah  yeah these people are my friends. Losers right! hahah no way! they are the best friends ever! Oh yeah we dorks but we are the coolest dorks you'll ever meet.

I absolutely love this picture. It is my screen saver on my computer! Isnt is just so cute!  Its me and the most amazing boy ever! This is just so cute!


  1. I don't know who took the picture of you and Briggs holding hands but it's super cute! Good photographer whoever did it. I love that you have such great friends and a such a great boy! Both are pretty priceless!! You're amazing Bob, love you to pieces!

  2. Hahah Briggs actuallt took this picture!

  3. I am glad that you have such fun friends. Both the girls and the boys.

    Love you,
